And my love bug, Blake.
A Family Story

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Pretty Pretty Princess
And my love bug, Blake.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Apples and Bannaners
She loves her bath time too. Such a little sswwweeet one.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Basket of Goodies
While in the process, a sweet someone kept another sweet someone occuppied;
Thursday, August 19, 2010
This Just In
What?!! I'm Just Keeping it Warm for You While You're at work...
It must be hard work to keep our bed warm for us. Sadee would know. Just ask her. =]
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My Top Ten Baby 'Must HAVES'
Who likes the way that baby powder explodes when you powder a baby's behind? Gets all over your clothes, your hair, your hands, and just sticks on you. In fact, the dust particles can even be harmful to a baby. (well at least that's what I have heard) I have found the Angel of Mine Baby Powder in liquid form at the Dollar Tree. Yes. Dollar Tree. For only a dollar and lasting probably most of a child's infancy, this liquid baby powder keeps baby from feeling chapped in their diaper. Less chappiness, less diaper rash, happier baby. Oh the simple pleasures.
Must Have 'Glow Worm Seahorse'
Must Have 'Nylon' headbands
Must Have 'T-Gel'
Must Have 'Dr. Brown's'
Must Have 'Motion Monitor'
Must Have Playtex 'Pacifier'
This picture should explain itself. This seat vibrates, sings songs, plays music and makes fishy, bubbly noises. Not to mention the bright colors grab baby's attention. I could not take showers, put on makeup, or cook dinner without this seat. I love getting up in the morning to put on make up, with my sweet little baby being the only other one awake with me. She sits in her seat on the counter and keeps me company. Now she is rolling over she has to sit in her seat on the floor. But it's nice to look over at my little love bug smiling at me as I'm getting ready for the day. This seat is a definate must have in my opinion!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Congratulations Robin and Hannah!
Hannah said... YES!
Congratulations to a wonderful pair!
We Love You Two.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's the morning of your very first day.
We have all been there. Butterflies in our stomach, unable to sleep because the next day was so close by. Wondering who you would sit by at lunch, and play with on the playground. Well, pink tu-tu skirt, ballet flats, and a pretty pink bow, made the cut for the very first Pre-K outfit. The big thing right now are the tu-tu skirts, and of course the girlier the better. Grammy saved the day with this one. She had given it to Jacee-Kay as a gift the night before, so we were for lack of a better term, saved by the bell.
I dressed Jacee-Kay around six thirty that morning, and by seven she came into my bathroom as I stood in my robe, applying makeup, and not even close to being dressed myself. She asked in all seriousness, "Mommy, let's go now so we're not late!!" So cute, right?
She was so ready to go to 'big' girl school, that when we pulled up (front row parking) she jumped out of the back seat, waited on me to help her to put her backpack on, and sprinted to the front doors. I did get a little teensy weensy sad. I mean, she's suppose to cling to my leg, and scream and say NO MOMMY dont leave me. I am so proud of her for being so "big" girl about it all, but maybe my baby is a little too big girl. I did tear up when I left the parking lot, but that's only because I realized that my baby is becoming her own little person. And a good person she is.
Jacee-Kay and Mommy:
Jacee-Kay and Dougie:
At the end of her first day when her "dougie" picked her up from school, the teacher told him that everything had gone really well that day, except for one thing. During art time, Jacee-Kay drew a picture for her "dougie" and, well, it didn't turn out the way she had hoped, so she was disappointed, and just could not give him this picture because it wasn't good enough. Doug brought the picture straight home and pinned it on the refridgerator. Like I always say, what a sweet, little girl we have.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Skeeter & Sadee
Jacee-Kay is following in those animal lover footsteps as her step daddy. You should have seen her little face light up when we introduced Sadee and Jacee for the very first time. Ribbon tied around Sadee's collar and sitting in Jacee's room waiting for her to open the door and surprise her. Finally, Jacee-Kay has her very own playmate named Sadee. And surprisingly Sadee slept in Jacee's room ALL night in her little puppy bed. I'm actually really surprised because we can't get Skeeter to step foot in her room sometimes, let alone stay an entire night in there.
Welcome Sadee Burns to our family. It's as if she has been part of us all along.