I want to remember Jacee-Kay as she is right now. She is so curious about the world but yet so genius too. There are a few things she says that make absolutely no sense to anyone else but me. I think she gets me too. Recently (right before the Christmas break) she discovered a love for reading books. She is a fantastic reader too. And she's only in Kindergarten, which I think is absolutely amazing. She not only has learned to read but she has grown so mature. She has been working so hard every night reading and has recently reached the 100 book club. (A Complete other story) We are so lucky we have such a great Kindergarten teacher too. She is so wonderful to these children. A proud day in our family. Way to go Jacee-Kay.

I also have to point out that I love that Jacee-Kay is obsessed with scarfs, and she is wearing a scarf that she picked out for Christmas in this picture. (Her picking out a scarf that she didn't realize was for her was very tricky. (Does it keep getting trickier and trickier to trick your children?!)
Our conversations with one another are so funny too, but I forget from month to month how things in her world change so much, and I haven't written much down. I just want to remember and relish in these times together and remember our conversational past time together.
So, for my own sake, here are a couple of things we discuss on our rides to school every morning...
..."Mommy, I have a really big school, I mean like, like, like REALLY big. Do you think this is the biggest school of all?" (I have to note here that it's my fault that the world 'like' is in her vocabulary. I use this word WAY too much, note to self: stop saying 'like' every other word in every other sentence! For the sake of my children!)
I have to respond with the truth these days. A simple "uh, uh," is not sufficient enough for this brilliant six year old. I respond with this ridiculous long explanation of, "Well, let's see, you are in an elementary school, which you're right is VERY big. But when you get a little older you will go to a Jr. High School and that will be much larger than the school you are in now. Then when you get even older than that you will go to a High School and that school will be much larger than the Jr. High School you go to. And then when you get even OLDER than that you can go to the Texas A&M school." (I did use the word 'like' alot in my explanation to her, I took them out here for reading purposes. ;)
Jacee-Kay pondering, "So what you're saying is my school isn't that big then. Mmmmm...mmmmm...mmmm, well then how old do you have to be to go to college, what like ten?"
Me holding back giggles, "No sweetheart, more like eighteen..."
Jacee-Kay gasps, "Eighteen, but that's gonna take FOREVER! By the way, is Texas A&M the only college out there?"
"No," I respond thinking of how to answer this question as it's posed before me, "But it is the BEST College out there and if you work really hard right now you can go to the Gig 'Em Aggie school when you turn 18! And you can live in town with Mommy forever and never have to leave home!"
"I'm in mommy, that sounds like amazing!"
I wonder if she will feel that way when she actually turns 18....
THE other fun thing about our car drives, is that it gives us chance to discuss friendships and as I hate using the word 'relationships' with kindergarteners, I suppose that's what you would say. Who likes who and who's friends with who. Who is doing really good job doing homework and listening in class and who Jacee-Kay has crushes on. (Those are tough to tell, but a mommy has a feeling about these kind of things!) Back on track though, a couple days ago I learned that Jacee-Kay had a new friend at Kids Klub and that we would have to make this friend a card for her birthday. We spent an hour on this birthday card and when we had loaded in the car the next morning to go to school, we had forgotten it inside.
"But MOMMY, I lost the birthday card, she will be so upset, I promised her I would bring it today, we HAVE GOT to find it."
To understand that Jacee-Kay has to be in her class by 7:45
To also understand I had Blakelynne and Jacee-Kay buckled in the car and the car running.
To understand also that it was already 7:30.
Maybe even to Understand that I was in heels.
I ran back inside anyway. I couldn't find it.
I know she was devastated that she couldn't give her friend a card that day.
I did find it however (that evening), and so the next morning, on the way to school and before Jacee-Kay could have a second melt down I told her that the card had been in her backpack the entire time.
"No mom, I already checked."
"Check again."
What do you know....CARD. IN. BACKPACK.
So hopefully her friend received the card and loved it. It was definately an event needless to say.
I like this story because my sweet girl is such a sweet friend! She spent time on a birthday card, she grieved over a lost birthday card, and then she celebrated over a found BIRTHDAY CARD! I just think it is so sweet and special that she did something for someone else without anything in return. A true gift. It makes me so proud. I love my six year old Jacee-Kay.