A Family Story

A Family Story

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Day of First Grade...

Jacee-Kay was so excited about back to school.  
She would be completely embarrassed if I told you who she was so excited to find in her class...so I'll spare his name here. But she has a huge crush on someone and they ended up in her class.
It must be fate...right?!
Anyways, she looked absolutely stunning on August 27, 2012. 
As always.
 Blakey was just happy to have her very own back pack.  
We bought it last month, but wouldn't let her take it to pre-school yet until Jacee-Kay could take hers. 
She wears it to school EVERYDAY.  
And most of the time there isn't even anything in there. 
It was a big moment for her though.  ;)

 I'm not a huge fan of this picture of me, but the girls look good....I take what I can get these days. 
Plus it didn't help that I had been on the verge of tears all morning just thinking about Jacee-Kay being a big first grader.  I mean, really...a FIRST GRADER!

 He loves his girls. 
 If you'll note Jacee-Kay's twinkle toe shoes.  
All the rage right now and she wanted them so bad.  
So glad she got them!
Of course, Blakey just had to get some too.
She proudly waved them in the air showing her daddy her new shoes. 
so cute!
 First Day of Dance too!
First Day of gymnastics for Jacee-Kay, but sadly she missed it. 
That's a whole nother story.
There were lots of rain, cars, and tears involved. 
But at least one of them made it to class!
I'm slowly learning that being a super mommy means making a few mistakes and not beating yourself up about them. 
Being a super mommy also means making tough choices and realizing that the sun will come out tomorrow. 
Literally and figuratively.
 I just had to add this of Jacee-Kay!  
She dressed herself for 'Meet the Teacher' last week. 
You can't see here, but she had her outfit completed by black boots. 
She has impeccable style (why of course, she is MY child!)
I just wasn't ready for her to look so grown up over night. 
And Doug didn't really help matters much when he added that she looks like a mini version of a pop star!
She does look pretty cute huh!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Brenham Carousel

All summer I have searched high and low for one of these bad boys.  I just thought --how fun would this be.  Chuck E. Cheese has one, but seriously it is for babies.  I wanted a REAL carousel.

So, with no surprise, when I heard Brenham had one of these guys I made it a point to G.O.

The only thing that could've made it better would've been having Jacee-Kay there with us.  (But don't feel too bad for her, she was soaking up the water and sun at the beach that week.)

We'll just have to go back!

I mean, really the pictures speak for themselves.  Our sweet girl had the time of her life on this carousel.  I was really impressed with the condition of this amazing carousel too. I heard it was originally built in the late 1800's.  I need to find out for sure, but it was really a work of art.  Afterwards we played at the Fireman's Park.  I would say it was definitely a successful trip to Brenham!

Check out all our pictures:


Monday, August 13, 2012

My newest found obsession

Projects to come....
And I'm so excited to share!

La Paloma

Seriously, the simplest margarita. 
The End.  
You will need:
 Yes, that is grapefruit soda.  
It really made a difference too!

Instead of ice, we used frozen mugs.  
But ice would've been nice too.

Viola, you're finished. Drink already!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer of 2012...

 I wish I'd created a bucket list of some sort to do this summer. 
If I had, we'd probably have completed at least 90 percent on it!
So, if you've been wondering what we've been up to this summer.  
Here's a few we could cross off our list.

Picked a Flower.

Watched a Texas style sunset.

Roller Skated in Brenham.

Light Bright/Hungry Hippo/Jenga
Declared Family Game Night

Visited Kyle Field for the very first time.

Went Swimming 
Like- Every chance available.

Experienced Pond Hopping on Campus....

More Swimming...

Baked a Cake for Blakey's birthday.

Shopped 'till we dropped.

Trimmed our rose garden and put a flower in our hair.

Wedding Season.
Enough Said....

Popsicle, a must have summer accessory.  

Splash Pad Fun....

Jacee-Kay kept a baby chick from Kindergarten and raised him.  
We just had the first batch of homegrown eggs this morning. 
Way to go Jacee-Kay and MawMaw Sharon! Eggs were great.

Enjoyed McDonald's Playground Lunches.

Like, seriously every day we could.


More Eating.

Learned to ride a bike without training wheels (still working on this though)

Birthday Parties...

We enjoyed fine dining.

More Shopping. 
Oh, to see Back to School through the eyes of a little girl.

100's of camp creek adventures...
Lady Liberty and Yankee Doodle.

More Fine Dining. 
This time with inedible squinkees.

The girls began their first gymnastics adventure.
And just in time for the London 2012 Olympics.
How cool to start a sport at the same exact time to See Gabby win the Gold for USA.
Blakey is a personal fan of Gabby. 
Jacee-Kay likes that they were all about six when they discovered their gift.

Blakey is officially finished potty training. 
Not that I was in a rush.
But it's nice to save money on diapers now!

I got to see my girls!
In Austin! 

Last year I tried to show Jacee-Kay how to hulla-hoop 
(being a past hulla-hoop champion and all)
And I couldn't do it! 
My hips wouldn't groove how they needed to, and my shake, lets just say lack thereof!

(Jacee Would've been proud)
I Hullahooped like a champ at Lester's Pearl!

Fathers Day Surprise for Daddy!!
He loved his goodies from his girls. 
Of course this led to yet another pancake breakfast in our kitchen...

This list could continue on and on and on......
I already can't wait till next summer. 
I'm already planning! =)
Imagine that....