We spent the Fourth of July hanging out together.
Saturday at Camp Creek. BBQ on Sunday with a movie on the side.
And Monday a swimming adventure with our good friends The Penny's.
I should elaborate a little more on the movie.
Jacee-Kay and I went to the movies. We saw Monte Carlo.
A BIG deal for her. She is in love with Wizards of Waverly Place...or so she says 'Waberly Place". ahh so cute. So, when Selena Gomez was starring in her very own movie, in the movie theatre, we just had to go. Naturally.
The day we spent at Camp Creek was just as nice. Relaxing. Watermelon, Sunshine, Blue Moon, Cornbread, and Sparkler kinda day. Only no fireworks this year due to the horrible drought. So, no sparklers...
There were glow sticks involved. When I was a kid (how old do I sound?)
My sisters, myself, and my cousins would go and visit my Nanny every summer.
She always had mountains of glowsticks and we loved having sleepovers with Nanny because she always had glowsticks. Back then there were only two kinds that I can remember, neon greenish yellow and hot pink. It was always a special day if you got the hot pink kind.
When Nanny passed (about three years ago), my cousin Rachel had a brilliant idea to have each cousin place a glowstick with Nanny. I cried (IMAGINE that!).
Glowsticks have a special place in my heart as wierd as that may sound.
Well aside from passing on the glowstick tradition to my loves, we also passed on the Watermelon tradition too:
Watermelon is a favorite among my girls.
Of course, I'm not too much of a fan.
I guess I'm the type of person who has to be in a 'watermelon' kinda mood.
I love that they love watermelon.
Blakelynne finally discovered that she could use a pillow as a mattress.
I've been waiting on this discovery.
She took advantage of the soft, cuddly, fluffy pillow.
Jacee-Kay gave decided to let me take a few photographs of her stunning self.

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