A Family Story

A Family Story

Friday, August 19, 2011



JUNE 2011:

JULY 2011:


August 18, 2011:

Falling in love with these articles about melasma spots!

Well, Actually about prevention of melasma....


My All time favorite Derm Blog!:


Of course he answers all my fun little questions just by catching up with the latest!



  1. Hi not sure if you'll get this but i recently discovered that I have these Melasma spots on my face. Can you let me know what products you used to treat it. My personal email is ruth.harrington82@gmail.com

  2. Hi! I'm sorry you are getting Melasma. It's really a hard job to keep up with it. Mainly changing your entire skin care routine, which I didn't even have one to begin with until the Melasma forced me to get with the program. I started out using a no bleach cream that was specifically for skin lightening or brightening. It wasn't specifically for Melasma, and sadly I haven't been able to find it lately. =( But After three months of using the cream (and really I think anything would work as long as it's a brightener), I still didn't have the results that I wanted. I had somewhat gotten rid of the Melasma, but not completely. The dermatologist recommended using hydroquinone cream. It was rather expensive, and with a growing family of four at the time, I just didn't want to be spending excessive money on my skin. She recommended tri luma which has now been recalled in Texas if I understand correctly. I used her cream for about one month, and yes it drastically helped, but it was very harsh on my skin. So, I opted for other solutions. I found a bleaching cream at walgreens for $4.00 called White and Black cream. It has a very low level of hydroquinone so it doesn't irritate your skin the same way as the harsher bleaches. But as always, I feel obliged to say consult a dermatologist in this department before considering the bleach method. In the process of wearing the bleach, I also put on neutrogena moisture free sunscreen EVERY day, unless it's raining with no chance of sunshine. I sometimes miss my tan faced self, but would rather be pale than have a shadowy mustache. I also wear hats while in the sun even if I am wearing sunscreen. My melasma has been a three year process since the birth of my second daughter. But I'm happy to announce it is almost completely non existent. I hope this helped some. And Good Luck on your journey.

  3. I stumbled upon your blog when researching Melasma. I've never had problems with my skin until this summer and I developed a shadowy looking "stache" which is extremely embarrassing. I'm sure I notice it more than anyone else but it's great to see you've had luck with the bleaching creams! It gives me hope that this skin condition might let up.
