I'm not quite ready to talk about all the events that happened that week.
I may not ever be ready to talk about it all.
Just knowing that my daughter had to struggle for her life was hard enough.
I'm so proud of her and what she overcame.
She will always be my little fighter.
I always want to remember what happened with a grateful, thankfulness to God.
I also never want to forget what happened, because it reminded me of how
life can be gone with one little blink.
I never want to take being a mother for granted, or the most wonderful thing he has given to me besides my children, and that's to be part of a mother daughter relationship.
I will always be grateful for what happened, but only under those circumstances.
Thanks be to God.
Diet Dr. Pepper. My Sister Jenna knew that I needed my daily addiction, and sent me a diet coke, later I found my even stronger addiction for diet dr. pepper. I love you Diet Dr. Pepper. =) |
Tilda. She's a part of our family. She has seen many of Jacee-Kay sick moments, and been there through Jacee-Kay's time in coping with her father and my divorce. I love you Tilda. She has now been passed on to Baby B. Blakey loves her Tilda. She takes her everywhere she goes just about. Poor Tilda has been through it all. But Tilda will never leave you. She's alot like Woody from Toy Story. |
Tilda never left her side. I think when Tilda got there, she gave us all hope. |
I got to hold Blakelynne for the first time in days. I was the first person to get to hold her when she made it through. I was so happy to hold my baby girl for the first time. I was upset and scared, but so blissfully overjoyed with emotions of THANKFULNESS! |
Here's when she got her paci back for the first time in three days. She loves her paci. |
Snuggling with her. I didn't have it in me to leave her side once she woke up. |
Still not 100%, but being told we were going to get released to go home soon! I was so happy, even though scared to go home without having made a full recovery. But we were ready after our week in the hospital. |
The sun was so bright for her. Poor thing. But we couldn't wait to get her home!! |
First day home. Of course, back to snuggle bugging. =) Finally some daddy and Blakey time. |