A Family Story

A Family Story

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blakelynne's First Week Home

 Our youngest, Blakelynne Burns was admitted into ICU for one week.  While there she was under certain medications that made it hard for her to adjust back into life at the Burns' home. More specifically amnesia medication, to where certain little basics of life were just not so easily known to little Miss Blake.  She didn't really respond to her favorite TV shows, toys, daddy's goofy laugh, or even her puppy dogs (Skeeter and Sadee) both of which she's obsessed with.  Her first day to eat a meal was on Saturday afternoon and it was banana's.  =)  How excited were we!?  She only had three bites of banana's but so wonderful, considering her appetite had been non existent up to that point in time. (she hadn't had anything to eat in over a week's time) She didn't really feel like too much activity, so a pajama day was planned.
Big sister Jacee-Kay tried so hard to put a smile on her baby sisters face.  Sadly, Saturday was just not the day for too many smiles, (she didn't crack one little smile! Not one!) but that didn't stop Jacee-Kay from throwing Blakelynne a balloon bash party in our kitchen and living room.  We played Balloon and even Blakelynne held a balloon while we danced around and tried to make her perk up, or just recognize and remember how GOOFY her family was. 

Later in the evening, close to bedtime, Blakelynne needed her diaper changed before we settled into our rocking chair together for a while.  Blakelynne looked at the Balloons which had been moved from the kitchen into her bedroom.  She studied them for a long time while I powdered her, wiped her, talked to her, you know; diapering in general.  She looked at one and said, Melmo.....I couldn't believe it! She remembered ELMO! I think it was at that moment, that I realized she was gonna be OK.  She remembers Elmo.        

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