Blakelynne tried and tried and tried, but blowing this horn was just not gonna happen. Not today. Maybe next year.

This didn't stop her from posing and smiling for the camera though. She has finally grasped the 'cheese' concept. Here is her cheesing.

Attempting to make the party horn make noise.
She improvised with her own 'mmmm....mmmmm', she'd say as hard as she could.

On the other hand, if horns and hair pieces just won't work as good props, at least sunglasses have never failed me.
You can ask Grammy, Blakelynne LOVES glasses/sunglasses.

My love bug is getting so big. She can now say the following:
da-da- "Daddy"
MaMa- "Mommy"
MMMMMM- Anything yummy she places in her mouth
Uh-Oh- This one applies to anything that hits the ground, whether on purpose or accident.
OGG- "Dog"
aun you- "Thank You"
buhbye- "Bye-Bye"
She can also communicate when she's lost something by shrugging her shoulders and throwing her hands up in the air as if she is saying "I just don't know!"
She is a mess.
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