As much as I HATE posting a picture of me anywhere without makeup, I thought it would be really fun to track my progress of the different types of skin medicines I will be using over the next few months to clear up my skin disorder I developed while pregnant with my Blakelynne.
It's a skin disorder that I developed in the last couple of months of pregnancy, and while my Blakelynne was worth every bit of it, the once almost flawless skin on my face (the one thing I always liked about myself) definately suffered.
I told myself that if this 'melasma' or 'the mask of pregnancy' as it is commonly known, had not dissappeared on it's own after Blakelynne turned one year old, then I would go see someone about what needed to be done. I am most embarrassed about the darkened area around my lip, it makes me feel like I have this horrible mustache that I just can't get rid of.
I started a new medicine on June 9, 2011...and on July 9, 2011 I will be posting another picture to see how we are on the progress! =]
Let's hope for some great results.
I am hoping for something!
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