Today is a Saturday. Therefore there is a Saturday night involved.
I asked Doug today if he thought when Jacee-Kay was 19 if she would still want to spend Saturday nights with me.
He just laughed and said..."She'll be 19, of course not."
Well, that just makes me...well...sad!
;) Everyday, I feel like she gets older and more mature.
Just getting to be my big girl. Today she wanted to go and visit her Mammaw Sharon, and wouldn't you know it: She wanted to stay the night with Mammaw over me.
It's already starting I guess you would say!

Here's her face when I told her we would have to leave pretty soon and that she would need to go and tell Mammaw bye-bye:

Mammaw gave into her and invited her to stay the night of course. =)
It's hard not to give into that face.

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