A Family Story

A Family Story

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Texas Forever

An Amazing Website You Must See.
Her Pictures are amazing and inspirational.
Bring a tear to your eye.
Perfection in imperfection are the best kinds of art.

Doug is home...

... (= =) =) smiley.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Two Peas in a Pod. Yes. They are.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Just us girls

We got bored last Saturday and decided to have a photo shoot.
It didn't last very long, due to the fact that Blakelynne was just not having it.
Jacee however was dissapointed it didn't last longer. You can't please them all I suppose.
Here are my favorite pictures from that day.
My little aggie princesses.

Love Bug

Gig 'Em.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A boy named Brayden

Jacee-Kay and I made cupcakes for her class. She will bring them to school tomorrow. This story would be boring, except for the fact that while making the cupcakes she made a special one for Brayden. Can you guess which one is for him?

You guessed it. The first one on the top left hand corner is the one that belongs to Brayden. Not only that but it gets juicier. As we were leaving the class room last week she ran out yelling, "Bye Brayden, you're sweet and cute!"
Granted that Brayden is such a sweet boy.
I mean all her stories include Brayden.
He's her best friend.
So. When do you have 'the talk' with your daughter
teaching them that chasing the boy never works?
Oh my.
For now, we have a super large cupcake for a boy named Brayden.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1 Year Down...

Today is our one year marriage anniversary.
I asked Doug if it has been wedded bliss everyday.
Of course he said yes.

I knew it. He wouldn't know what to do without us.

We wouldn't know what to do without him either.
No way, no how, nuhuh.
I love him.
He's amazing.


Jacee-Kay likes plants. Any and all sorts and kinds. In fact, she likes plants so much that she will cry if the pot breaks, wind knock it over, rain knocks it over, dogs knock it over, I accidentally trip over; you get the picture. These plants aren't called plants to Miss Jacee-Kay though. They are called:


Some examples:

"Aww, what a pretty planet"
"That's my planet"
"My planet broke"
"Planets are living things"
"That planet is purple"

I actually have tried to tell her that it's not planet, it's called a plant. She doesn't believe me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blakelynne is 4 1/2 months old. Already.

And here she is in all her four month old glory today as we were getting ready to leave the house to go bbq at grammy and grampy's house.
She is our little angel.

It's a Callerpitter

Every since I can remember Jacee-Kay has loved butterflies.
Since she was a wee little tot she has called a caterpillar a Callerpitter.
So stinkin' cute.
She's almost five and I still can't correct her because I love the small child language so much.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remember 9.1.1.

If you live in Aggieland.
If you like to read interesting articles.
If you have access to The Eagle Newspaper.
You should read this week's Veteran Story published by Bill Youngkin.
It will be a good one.

“Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew. “- President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001

My Grandmother's Great Wipey Recipe

Homemade wipes. Well that's just it. They are homemade wipes, and something should be said for anything homemade. First, things always look easier than they actually are. Homemade wipeys are the easy part. It's what you decide to put those homemade wipeys in. And here was my best shot at it. These will be gifts for three lovely ladies later this year, so shhhhh no telling!

Oh and the homemade wipe recipe of course:



2 cups of water1 "Big" Roll of Viva or Bounty Paper Towel

2 Tblspoons of Johnson's Baby Oil (off brand will work too!)

2 Tblspoons of Johnson's Baby Wash

1 Tblspoon of Johnson's Baby Lotion


Cut Paper towel in half with sharp knife and place half in container. Boil water, then add baby oil, baby wash and baby lotion. Pour into a 4 cup glass container. Pour Mixture over paper towel and when the cardboard center of the paper towel is soaked remove it. I like to leave the lid of the container on and let the mixture seep into the paper towel really well.

Begin using your baby wipes!

Now, why would anyone make their own baby wipes when they sell them for practically nothing anyway? I think this can give you more control on what you put on your baby's sensitive skin. You can always add more soap to use those wipeys during supper time. Or you could add more lotion if you want to use them to wipe those cute little baby cheeks. Trust me, the more or less you add of a certain ingredient will make a difference. Grandma's always know best.

Angel of Love

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I just think this is funny

Yeah, she's out like a light:
We took this picture just after we arrived home from a very long road trip last Saturday.
She is such a little lady.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Bittersweet Cry

Today my Blakelynne did something very bitter sweet. As I placed her in her crib in a half-way sleepy half-way awake state, she rolled over and sat up on her two roly poly arms, just enough to peak over the bed crib bumper and give me the saddest look a baby could muster. I walked out anyway. The screams came. Uncontrollable sobs. My heart has never almost burst with joy and dropped with nervousness all at the same time so much. My love bug now knows if she cries, then I will pick her up. I know I should be worried. What does this say for bedtime for the next....well....years? But tonight, I'm just going to enjoy the simple pleasure that my love bug knows me, misses me, and loves me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our 'Tilda

I walked into the living room this morning and this is how I found Jacee-Kay preparing herself for school.

Making 'Tilda' a bottle.

Tilda has been a part of our family now for quite some time.

Jacee-Kay's favorite doll.
Anyway, here is Bertilda with her mommy.

Did I hear you ask which one is which?

Baby B. or Baby J? You decide...

Above is Baby B. on August 30, 2010.
Below is Baby J. on April 17, 2006.
Both are approximately 3 and 1/2 months old.