A Family Story

A Family Story

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An applesauce a day...

I handed Blakelynne an applesauce that looked like this:

Jacee-Kay had a yogurt and was waiting on me to open it for her.

Blakelynne was just soooo excited about her applesauce, and by the time I got Jacee situated, I turned around, only to find that Blakelynne used her big girl teeth to bite through the aluminum and suck out some of the applesauce.

Oh I was so worried about what actually went into her mouth besides applesauce, but just had to laugh at her ability to find her own way to open her snack!

How sweet it is to be loved by them...

So cute she is.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Well for those curious...

When asked today how Miss Jacee-Kay's first day of Kindergarten went, this was her response,

"Oh, Mommy, it was wooooonderfuuuuuuul. It was absolutely the best day ever!!"

I'm so glad my dear, so so so so glad! =]

More Pampa Panhandle Texas

Auntie M and Baby B.

Pretty Girl Emily.

^ Jace and Blake ^


Momma has lost her groove!

I was an all time hulla hoop champion...

(TIGER DAYS!! If you're from Dangerfield you know what that is!)

Now I can't even keep the daggum thing on my hips.

Maybe I passed on my skills to my children.

I just bragged and bragged about how amazing I was on the hulla hoop to Jacee-Kay...

and then I couldn't even do it!!!

I wonder what they think...

Probably not too highly of my skills...

Oh well...maybe I can help them out with something else in life! ;P

Kindergarten: Day One


Showing off her back-pack from her Ya-Ya.

It's Day One of Kindergaten.

A new chapter in everyone's life.

Jacee-Kay did wonderful.

I was a basket case, but I kept it well hidden. ;)

She made sure to tell me on the way to school this morning two things: not to cry and not to take any pictures of her once we were in the school building.

I had to sneak just one.

Apparantly, I just wasn't sneaky enough...this was her expression:

I know she is having a great day. And I'm not even worried about her at all.

I just think it's the realization that she is so BIG, and well, it's hitting me pretty hard.

I can't wait to hear about her magnificent day. I am so proud of her.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


This little guy is so precious.

Our family got to spend a week with him a couple of weeks ago, and he was just the best baby. He's so handsome, and he has the cutest belly button ever.

I just love the way it pertrudes out just a little bit more than the average baby, but that's what makes him so special.

It's part of his story.

Baby's like to play, so I hope that he had fun playing with my girls. He was so low maintenance that he may have been just a little overwhelmed with all the girly day to day moments! =P

He handled them like any true gentleman would of course. =]

I already miss him.

An Open House, Meet the Teacher, Kinda Day...

It's time. Kindergarten. I can't believe it. I love that my little independent, school-aged darling wants to walk into her classroom by herself Monday morning (tomorrow!)


I will be walking her to her classroom, whether she likes it. Or not. =]

Meeting the Teacher was fun. We got to meet some friends and drop off school supples. A great way to start off the school year.

I just want to keep it together long enough tomorrow to get back to my car. Wish me luck!

Oh, and here are the snaps from Meet the Teach!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Destination: Pampa, Texas...

My Auntie M Captured some sweet shots of the most gorgeous kiddos around.

Here are a couple I love.

More to come on our adventure to Pampa, Texas!



JUNE 2011:

JULY 2011:


August 18, 2011:

Falling in love with these articles about melasma spots!

Well, Actually about prevention of melasma....


My All time favorite Derm Blog!:


Of course he answers all my fun little questions just by catching up with the latest!